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Booking and Buying Classes

  • How do I register, so I can book classes online?
    You will need to register with's scheduling software, Squarespace's Scheduling by Acuity, so you will have visibility to your class schedule - to make bookings, reschedule appointments, and cancel classes, as needed. From any Appointment Reminder email, click the Change/Cancel Appointment button. 💡If you have not received any reminders, check your Junk/Spam email box for messages from or contact Jennifer Frye to be sure your email address on file is current. Click the Register for an Account button. Complete the Register for an Account form and click the Sign up button. 💡Please enter the email address you've used previously with, so that you can have visibility to classes into which you are already booked.
  • How do I see and maintain my schedule?
    Once you have registered, you can go to the Book a Class page. Click the Log in link in the upper-right corner. Enter your email address and password and click the Log in button. Now, you can adjust your Upcoming Appointments*, review your Past Appointments, and any Valid Codes with credits remianing in the green-shaded area above the list of upcoming classes. *Reschedule/Cancel appointments at least 24 hours in advance of your class.
  • How can I add my classes to my personal agenda?
    From any Appointment Reminder email or from any Appointment details screen, you can click the Add to iCal/Outlook Calendar or Add to Google Calendar. Save the file and drag/import it into your favorite calendar and you will have all the details you need for each class.
  • How can I book myself into class?
    You are welcome to book yourself into classes two weeks in advance and up until the moment the class begins . Go to the Book a Class page and select an upcoming class from the list of all classes offered in the next two weeks. If you are not logged into the system, enter your contact information. 💡Use this format +41XXXXXXXXX for your phone number to be sure you receive messages about your bookings. 💡Please enter the email address you've used previously with, so that you can apply valid packages to your booking, or better yet, just log in. From the Confirmation, you can add the appointment to your calendar.
  • How can I reschedule or cancel a booking?
    During this period when classes are only offered via Zoom, I will temporarily dismiss my 24-hour cancellation policy. That said, it's helpful to give me as much notice as possible in the event that there are no participants signed up. To cancel or change your appointment... Click the Reschedule or Cancel button or links in the email reminders you receive 36 hours in advance of your class OR log in to the Book a Class page and select the class you would like to modify. To reschedule, you must select the same type of class (e.g., Yin, Ashtanga, etc.) If you would like to reschedule to a different type of class, go ahead and cancel the class and book a new one.
  • What are the windows for booking, rescheduling, and cancelling?
    Bookings: From two weeks before and up to the start of the class* Reminders : 24 hours in advance via email and text Rescheduling/Cancelling: 24 hours in advance
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